
Ruby KG says...

I wanted to thank the Juice Fast Team for putting this Juice fast together. I am losing track of how many I have done - but at least 5. The first time I did the fast I was amazed how good I felt on Day 6. After that first year I decided to juice fast every Monday and that has become a health tradition. I have yet to accomplish a quarterly Juice fast but that will be a goal for this year. I believe firmly that regular juicing has helped me deal with life's challenges. About 5 years ago my mom lost her vision and as a result developed paranoia. She could no longer live on her own and now lives with me. She is a good hearted woman but due to life's trauma's developed depression. Seeing her example of taking drugs to help her depression (which actually did not improve her mood) I decided that I would not resort to medical drugs to handle my own roller coaster ride challenges in life. Instead I turned to healthy eating, sprouting and eventually also found juicing. I can sincerely say that healthy eating and regular juicing has saved my physical and even mental health. I even give my mom juices - though she does not want them and complains. I also juice for my 18 year old nephew and brother, especially when they feel sick they call me and ask for freshly made juices. Last year I had a friend get pancreatic cancer. I offered to juice for Tim to help with healing. The experience with my friend Tim showed me that it is good to live a healthy life style and have knowledge of healthy living, so that if ever one gets a unfavorable health diagnosis one has tools to help improve health. Though I would make 16 ounce juices for Tim to have daily I soon found out he could not drink it all and needed a week to finish the 16 ounce juice. He and his wife just did not realize that you need to flood your body with nutrients when dealing with cancer. They were in such a difficult intense time it was hard for them to absorb health info I was sharing, especially when the doctor was telling him to eat whatever he wants to keep his weight up while getting chemo. I tried my best to explain that healthy eating and juicing would help his healing. Unfortunately Tim passed away, but I feel I did my best to at least share the health knowledge I had. I truly wish more people had health knowledge for every day living. It would avoid so many problems. I am so grateful for my juicer - it is a great tool to improve my own health, as well as my family and friends. Also I get to be an example of healthy habits for those around me. Today I am excited to actually extend my fast past 7 days and go for 14 days minimum but in my heart I would love to accomplish 21 days and maybe even 30 days. Thanks sincerely for this program. All the hosts were wonderful and the support was excellent. So much inspiration to get the mindset and the body in good health right at the start of a new year. Every year I look forward to it. Thanks